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tv   The News With Shepard Smith  CNBC  September 2, 2021 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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plan to file charges against him for a third time in the nona dirksmeyer killing. that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. urgent warning, just issued. do not go outside for the next 12 to 15 hours that, from the governor of new jersey, as tornadoes and flash floods slam the northeast. i'm shepard smith. this is the news on cnbc firefighters battle to save a national treasure. >> this fire continues to grow we continue to fight. >> flames inch closer to lake tahoe. crews on high alert. >> i wonder if i'll have a home to come back to. >> another windy night ahead suffering in louisiana. >> we have no -- nothing no ice no nothing.
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>> more than a million people still without power. most low on food, water and fuel now, a surge in carbon monoxide poisoning. america's top military officials reflect on 20 years in afghanistan. >> we want to make sure that we learn every lesson that can be learned from this experience. >> why the future on the war in terror could involve teaming with the taliban. the race for a pill to treat covid. the drug company already dosing patients in a new trial. a strict abortion law takes effect in texas. nfl vaccine controversy. and rescuing pets left behind in the hurricane. >> announcer: live from cnbc, the facts, the truth, the news with shepard smith. breaking now on cnbc, several tornadoes touching down
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across the mid-atlantic and the northeast. this one, reporting in mullika hill, new jersey, 30 minutes south of jersey. trees reported down, crews on the way. active tornado warnings remain for nearby regions forecasters say the situation is extremely dangerous, and compounded by severe flash flooding water rescues already reported in areas around philadelphia the storm cell now moving towards northern new jersey and new york city. it's the remnants of ida, and it's wreaking havoc. live reports and updates as we get them throughout this news hour first tonight, the fight to defend lake tahoe from a monster fire it now enters a dangerous make or break evening wildfires, powerful wind, threatening to push it all closer to a popular resort area. a cal fire official says they need get through tonight, and that then, then there could be a light at the end of this fire tunnel, because winds are forecast to finally let up
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the caldor fire charging toward the southern tip of the lake it's now just five miles or so from there and has been racing through the drought-stricken area it's burned more than 200,000 acres, larger than the area that is memphis it's also forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate. right now, fire officials say it's but 20% contained, but they say they've made some progress in just a moment, i'll speak with an official from calfire, who has been on the front lines of the fight first near the fire in echo summit, here is nbc's steve patterson. >> reporter: shep, make no mistake about it, this is it firefighters have been working around the clock, 24 hours a day, seven days a week for more than a week, trying to get citizens prepared and cleared out, trying to prepare themselves and put protection down, getting ready for this moment and tonight is the night where we will find out if it all pays off. it certainly is far from the last battle this fire will see as it pushes into south lake tahoe. but this may be the most decisive night
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and for a few reasons. first of all, red flag warnings are in effect. they do expire tonight, at least that's the expectation however, with these winds, we may see the windiest night we've seen so far, gusts expected up to 45 miles an hour. we're starting to feel the gusts pick up as we speak. and also as you mentioned, the fire now dangerously close to south lake tahoe, anywhere from five to three miles away if you get a good pocket of embers, that could change the entire face of this fire firefighters know that they're prepared for it. again, with how erratic this fire behavior is, specifically the eastern edge of this caldor fire it's anyone's guess of what happens by the end of tonight. this wound won't decide everything there will be more wind as the week moves forward there are other fires in the area but certainly tonight it's very decisive for the overall firefight.
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we'll know more when this night is over. back to you. >> steve patterson filed that for us about 30 minutes ago. he was scheduled to be live to lead this newscast tonight but the fire shifted it became there too dangerous for our crews to stay on they bugged out and sent us that taped report let's get to the calfire spokesman henry herrera in base camp, in his car at base camp on the outskirts of caldor fire i understand you've been back and forth with the front lines what are you seeing? >> yes, good evening thank you for having me. this has been a very challenging firefight. everything has lined up, perfect recipe for a major fire like this very rugged terrain. winds have been strong we're currently in a red flag warning, which is supposed to expire tonight we've been having gusts 35, 40 miles per hour off the ridge tops winds are aligning perfectly with the canyons, pushing the fire at a fast rate of spread. embers are being pushed a mile, up to a mile ahead of the main fire front
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and because it's so dry due to the drought we're in, vegetation is easily ignitable. these embers will land on the vegetation ahead of the fire it will land on vegetation ahead of the fire and cause new small fires. eventually those fires grow and connect to the main fire that's how this fire is growing. conditions are -- >> i was going to say, do you think you can save south lake tahoe and lake tahoe, or is it on a freight train >> number one priority is life and health and safety of our firefighters second priority is to save home communities, people where they live and that's what we're focusing on, on the northeast end of the fire, lake tahoe we've been building containment lines to keep the fire from entering those areas we are building contingency lines in the event the fire crosses those containment lines. we've been successful to keep the fire away from the communities. >> we're pulling for you some ski resorts obviously have
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been running a snow guns full blast to try to protect things is that having any effect? how effective are they >> well, they're wetting the ground and so if an ember lands on that area, there's a chance that might help put it out it could be potentially helpful. it's definitely worth a try. >> your people have been on the front lines fighting this for day after day after exhaustive day. do you have what you need? and are people getting rest? >> yeah. so, many of us have been fighting wildfires now for several consecutive days in some cases more than a month without a day off. so, it is very tiring, very exhausting we try to get rest whenever we can. it's been challenging getting the resources we need because there's so many wildfires, currently around 12 throughout the state. we're competing with other incidents for the resources we need, fire engines, fire trucks, bulldozers, et cetera.
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we continue to receive more resources every day. we currently have over 4,400 firefighters and that number continues to grow. >> wow, 4,400 firefighters have you ever seen anything like this >> we've had other large fires where we've had larger number of firefighters, but this is definitely one of the larger ones. >> henry herrera from calfire, y yoeman's work out there. we're pulling for all of you it takes a lot of water to put these fires out. water is desperately needed for everything from farming to tech. the wildfire ripple effects on a precious resource. in louisiana, nearly a million people are still without power. in fact, a million customers, many more than that in the way of people. and the problems just keep piling up. emergency officials warning now, keep generators outside and away from windows to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning
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they say paramedics took 12 different people, five adults, seven kids from one home to hospitals today for treatment. we're also getting an upclose look to damage on grand isle remember that was first hit. the area was only first ac accessible by air. new drone video shows homes missing completely from their foundations. ground zero for the storm said the mayor and the damage from katrina was nothing compared to today. the white house confirmed president biden will get his first look at the damage in the state when he heads there on friday we're told grand isle is 100% unlivable. cnbc's valerie castro live in east new orleans where some people are starting to get their power back valerie? >> reporter: shep, it's the lucky few that have power right now. the neighborhood i'm standing in, these houses right here, they don't have their power back just yet but just across the street in that neighborhood over there,
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you can see some of their lights are on they do have power it's a slow process, but seeing that little bit of progress is giving people real hope that their neighborhoods might be next. >> a lot of people are hurting right now. a lot of people is hurting. >> reporter: after three days without power, nicole lawrence cooks a meal for her family in the driveway. >> we have to use this little grill to get us breakfast, lunch and dinner. >> reporter: the oppressive heat has her worried about her 9-year-old daughter. >> she's not doing good at all i'm waking up, wiping her down with a cold towel. >> reporter: another night without power, she says, is unacceptable. >> we need our lights. we need things to get back to normal. >> reporter: just down the block -- >> it's hot in there really, really hot. >> reporter: loretta smith finds relief outside despite the heat and passes the time crocheting. >> this is what keeps my mind right. >> reporter: until power crews can get electricity restored. >> you can't rush it because that's a dangerous job
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>> reporter: these homes were some of the first to get power. >> i was looking at the sky and suddenly this big light came on. whoa you know i said, well, i haven't died i know that's not -- but i was so happy the lights came on. >> we were so excited to see that little tiny green dot amongst all that red in the city of new orleans without power our little streets over here had it. >> reporter: the battle for resources is playing out in many areas of the city. the hunt for gas is a long and tedious one, if you can even find it. >> for two days we've been trying to find gas and as soon as we get close, they announce the tanks are empty. >> reporter: blocks of ice are in demand. $5 a block no more than two per person. the two-hour wait unbearable for some one person collapsed in the heat while waiting in line. even though some are finding relief as power crews work to get the system back up and running, others are nervous they'll be waiting much too long. >> maybe another night, maybe.
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but if things don't come on, we're out of here. >> reporter: shep, we spoke to another young man today who rode out the storm somewhere else he got back to his house last night, still had no power but decided to stay there anyway he said one night was enough it was way too hot tonight he will be spending the night with other family that does have ac shep >> thank you so much, valerie castro. breaking right now on cnbc, just confirmed a tornado in burlington, new jersey, on the ground, churning toward southern -- south part of bucks county if you're there, check your local weather radar and local media. severe flooding strikes the midatlantic and northeast. rescues under way from homes and buses, all from ida. plus, tornadoes touching down, including the one i mentioned in new jersey and another in maryland. we're live there tonight as the remnants of ida wreak havoc. the next stage in the war on terror
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why america's top military leaders are now saying the u.s. could possibly work with the taliban in the future. and ukraine's president finally gets his white house visit. what they discussed, the two world leaders. >> announcer: the facts, the truth, the news with shepard smith back in 60 seconds
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america's top general says the united states could potentially work with the taliban to fight isis-k terrorists in afghanistan. >> we don't know what the future of the taliban is. but i can tell you from personal experience that this is a ruthless group from the past whether or not they change remains to be seen our dealings with them at the airfield, the past year or so, in war, you do what you must. >> any coordination with isis-k?
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>> it's possible. >> coordinating with one terrorist organization to fight another. today in kandahar, looking a armored vehicles left behind by afghan and u.s. forces they flew a blackhawk helicopter overhead with a white taliban flag the state department is now conceding that a majority of afghan allies, a majority of them who worked with the u.s. over the past 20 years, were left behind. nbc's josh lederman now. what's the plan to evacuate these afghans and remaining americans? we hear they're going to, but how are they going to with no troops on the ground >> what they would normally do from the u.s. embassy in kabul but instead for more than 1,200 miles away in doha, qatar. a team is up and running on the ground in doha as essentially a virtual embassy, led by ian mccarey, number two u.s.
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diplomat in afghanistan. he will have a small team there responsible from everything from diplomacy, public engagement, economic activity, political engagement with the taliban and, of course, getting u.s. citizens as well as allies out of the country. it's not unprecedented for the u.s. to have to run a diplomatic mission without having anyone on the ground in fact, the u.s. has done it for years in failed states such as somalia, yemen, where it was not safe to have diplomats on the ground and in other countries without diplomatic delegations like in iran and north korea, th u.s. has been represented on the ground by foreign interest sections within the embassies of foreign nation like switzerland or sweden. but former u.s. ambassadors to places like libya and so malia
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tell me it's iinnfinitly harder to do this kind of work when you're not on the ground, when you can't meet with people face to face, get a sense of who is actually a decision maker and be able to work directly with them to accomplish what you need to do it will also be infinitily harder for the u.s. to get these folks out, considering there will be no consular officials on the ground they're trying to get the airport back open for civilian flights. qatari official tell me that the qataris have a technical ground on the ground in afghanistan working to get that airport back reopen shep >> so much destruction lot of work to do there. josh lederman in washington, thank you. two years after the ukraine president became entangled in former president trump's involvement, he finally succeeded in getting his oval office meeting he had been seeking all along, president biden pledging support for ukraine against russian aggression along with $60 million in military help president zelensky has been pushing for more help from the united states in its war against
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russia and also wants to be a member of nato. >> the partnership between our two nations will grow stronger and will grow stronger than it has been united states remains firmly committed to ukraine's sovereign territory in the face of russian aggression. >> during his impeachment, democrats accused former president trump of withholding military aid from ukraine and using the promise of a white house meeting to try to pressure zelensky to try to launch an investigation against the bidens. a strict new abortion law is now in effect in texas supporters call it an historic day. critics say it amounts to placing a bounty on women. the law explained next. hundreds of animals saved from the path of hurricane ida now to find them a forever home. kerry sanders takes us inside the rescue effort for those who can't help themselves. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple loves camping adventures
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and their suv is always there with them. so when their windshield got a chip, they wanted it fixed fast. they drove to safelite autoglass for a guaranteed, same-day, in-shop repair. we repaired the chip before it could crack. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust, when you need it most. ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ayy, ayy, ayy ♪ ♪ yeah, we fancy like applebee's on a date night ♪ ♪ got that bourbon street steak with the oreo shake ♪ ♪ get some whipped cream on the top too ♪ ♪ two straws, one check, girl, i got you ♪ ♪ bougie like natty in the styrofoam ♪ ♪ squeak-squeakin' in the truck bed all the way home ♪ ♪ some alabama-jamma, she my dixieland delight ♪ ♪ ayy, that's how we do, ♪ ♪ how we do, fancy like, oh ♪
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$10,000. that's how muc $10,000. that's how much money people in texas can now win in court by successfully suing anyone who helps a woman get an abortion after six weeks. that would include a doctor who performs it, a person who helps pay for it, even someone who drives a woman to an abortion clinic that is all now legal in texas there are no exceptions under this new law for rape or incest. the only exception for medical emergencies. those who support the law declare a hopeful day, see it as protecting the lives of unborn children for those who oppose it, they denounced it as a bounty, enabling private citizens to file lawsuits, leaving enforcement to private citizens instead of officials advocates of abortion rights say it effectively bans abortions in texas, arguing most women who don't even know they're pregnant until after six weeks. they also see it on an assault
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of roe versus wade, which legalized abortion nationwide in 1973 the texas law went into effect last midnight. abortion clinics stepped in to block it but the court took no action amy howe now, lawyer, co-founder of the scotus blog and reporter covering the supreme court thank you so much. when people claim this effectively overturned roe v. wade in texas, are they right or wrong? >> it's hard to say. it's a little bit complicated, you know, roe versus wade and planned parenthood versus kc, 1992 case, say that a woman has a right to obtain an abortion up to the point at which a fetus becomes viable so it could live on its own outside the womb that generally occurs at around 24 weeks now in texas you can't get an abortion once a doctor can hear
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a fetal heartbeat at six weeks so in texas, there's no longer the right to an abortion after six weeks. >> if you could, explain the design of this law for us. did texas officials effectively give themselves a kind of shield by leaving the enforcement up to the people >> it was designed to take it further to challenge before it went into effect the question is not just whether it's constitutional, but who can challenge it so, as you mentioned in the introduction, you know, normally state officials would enforce a law like this. and that's the case in other states that pass a similar heartbeat laws, but texas gave private citizens the right to enforce the laws and so what the state is arguing in the supreme court, which hasn't yet ruled on a request is that we don't enforce the law. so you can't really do anything
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to us. we're not the people to sue, that what the challengers, group of abortion providers need to wait for the law to go into effect and they can claim as a defense that the law is unconstitutional. nd you have to wait for the law to go into effect >> got it. i didn't mean to interrupt i apologize. one last question, the supreme court is set to hear arguments in this term on a law in mississippi that bans most abortions after 15 weeks that is seen as a chance to rule on roe v. wade how do you see that one playing out? >> we don't know for sure. i think everyone is watching justice brett kavanaugh certainly since the death of justice ruth bader ginsburg, donald trump, former president,f had promised to put justices on who would rule against roe versus wade and he put three justices on the court.
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most people think there's a good chance that the supreme court could overrule roe versus wade or make it much easier for states to impose laws that will make it harder for women to obtain abortions the question is, will they take the steps of overruling roe versus wade? it's possible they could we'll have to wait and see what they do with this request to block the texas law could tell us a lot about what they could do when they finally get the mississippi case in front of them they're likely to hear oral argument in december and issue a decision some time next year. >> amy howe, can't thank you enough. a treatment used to deworm livestock. the fda discourages it as a treatment for covid. now a hospital in ohio is being ordered to use it on a patient two years ago, 23-year-old elijah mcklain died after being detained by police and injected with ketamine.
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grand jury reaches its decision on whether to charge the officers and paramedics involved. and remnants of ida moving east, a hurricane has been -- was on the coast now a tornado has touched down in maryland where ylan mui is. >> reporter: shep, you can see behind me, roofs have been lifted off, trees have been toppled after that tornado touched down here in annapolis, maryland thousands are without power. i'll have the full details coming up. >> ylan, thanks. live look. nbc 10 in philly is on the air right now. would you look at that the entire region, including parts of maryland and new jersey, and philadelphia, all of it under a massive tornado watch. parts of the area under tornado warnings tornadoes reported on the ground right now. ida's aftermath as the news rolls on tornadoes reported on the ou
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important to note here, a congressional committee last year estimated the sackler family fortune at around $11 billion. the bankruptcy plan also transforms purdue pharma making the highly addictive pain killer oxycontin now it will be a new company public officials will be on the board. it's killed half a million americans over past two decades. the sackler family denies any wrongdoing. one of the country's largest employers putting up the help wanted sign. that's what's topping cnbc "on the money. amazon ramping up hiring the company reports it plans to hire around 55,000 people around the world. about 40,000 of those here in the united states. the open jobs, tech and corporate positions. amazon is the second largest private employer in the country behind walmart apple digitizing driver's licenses, testing out the
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ability to add license or state i.d. to its wallet app on your iphone or apple watch. arizona and georgia set to be the first state to roll it out to their residents then connecticut, iowa, kentucky and maryland, oklahoma and utah. hard seltzers have officially jumped the shark. bud light seltzer getting a seasonal offering that it calls the flannel variety pack easy for you to say. four limited edition flavors include pumpkin spice, toasted marshmallow, maple pear and apple crisp. the fall flannel pack available nationwide from labor day through the end of october insert your joke here. on wall street, the dow down 48 s&p up 1 the nasdaq up 50
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i'm shepard smith on cnbc. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news contaminated drinking water. how wildfires in the west are threatening our nation's reservoirs drinkin covid surging. the red sox forced to pull players from the field flash flooding, daring rescues and a tornado. ida's remnants barrel across pennsylvania and the midatlantic. we've now seen several tornadoes touch down in new jersey and in pennsylvania this video, brand new, and just in to us from annapolis, maryland moments ago, the national weather service issued a warning that severe weather is moving toward trenton, new jersey, and warning people in that area to take cover in maryland, a tornado has left widespread damage in the annapolis area you can see roofs shredded and ripped off homes cnbc's ylan mui is on the ground there now. ylan
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>> shep, i'm out there in west street in annapolis. you can see the emergency crews behind me starting the clean up of the downed trees and debris and damaged buildings after that tornado touched down here this afternoon. the national weather service did confirm one tornado hit annapolis at 2:14 p.m. local officials believe a second tornado hit in edgewater, maryland, just across the south river. thankfully, there have been no reports of deaths or severe injuries, but officials told me 2,500 people are without power there's also been reports of both above-ground and underground gas leaks. extensive damage to commercial and residential property and the county has set up an emergency shelter for anyone who needs a place to stay and are offering free rides to get there. >> what's so scary about it is that even though we know the conditions were there, nobody knows when it's going to happen or where it's going to happen. it's really hard for people other than to shelter.
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>> reporter: now the national weather service had lifted the tornado watch for ann arundel county, where we are a coastal flood advisory remains in effect until 10:00 p.m. shep, it will take at least until midday tomorrow just to clean up this section of west street back to you.midday tomorrow just >> ylan mui live in maryland there are multiple tornado warnings at this moment in the philadelphia region. let's dip in live to nbc 10 in philadelphia where meteorologists are warning of tornadoes on the ground at this moment listen in. >> there are reports of flash flooding there we are still watching, steve, the tornado warning that is going to expire, hopefully, in the next ten minutes until it does, do you want to -- we'll turn back on our radar here, so we can take a closer look -- warning is now extended to 8:15, we're being told. just was extended, okay. >> we're looking in live to their breaking news coverage it's 7:33 in philadelphia right
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now. they've broken into regularly scheduled programming because the weather is turning into a regional disaster. listening in for a moment here. >> one step down, but so this is radar indicated. remember, they have been cycling through. >> i want to double-check which tornado warning got extended to 8:15 let's see. it's the one that's over the trenton area. >> trees and wires down, possible tornado we have multiple water rescues happening right now in prospect park, mercer county. multiple water rescues. >> so i think one has expired early, the one that was supposed to expire at 7:45. we're just down to one are you seeing that? >> one tornado warning in the trenton, new jersey, area. and all of this, we're going to stay on these pictures all of this headed east, which means into northern new jersey, into the new york city metropolitan area, and a live report on the ground
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let's listen. >> what's going on >> reporter: well, the rain has slowed down a little bit, but that doesn't mean that flooding is going anywhere. what looks like a river behind me is actually a field see that yellow fence? it goes all the way to the end but is completely gone now very, very dangerous in all of this area. we're talking about the creek i. that overtook this park. it is absolutely flooded very dangerous situation next door you have an apartment complex and several cars are now under water. i don't know if you can see it there. one of the vehicles is actually on, but it's mostly under water. we saw folks trying to leave the apartments before the water got so high. some of them did others are still struggling in there. it is a very dangerous situation. we talked to firefighters in the area who tell us at least eight to ten roads in town are closed. it's really hard to get around
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it is a very complicated situation. and they have had at least one or two water rescues done, all of this happening within the last two hours again, when we say things change quickly, it gets really dangerous, this is what we are talking about. we've seen folks walking around, taking pictures, and firefighters coming to them and telling them go home, stay safe because things can change really quickly. sending it back to you guys. >> they are changing very fast i want to show you video we mentioned off the top of this newscast mullica hill, new jersey, 30 minutes south of philadelphia. let's listen to this. f the top newscast mullica hill, new jersey, 30 minutes south of philadelp >> monster tornado, yeah. >> quite large tornado especially for this region these people in the south and in tornado alley are accustomed to this sort of thing trust me when i say from philadelphia through new jersey and new york city metropolitan area, this is extremely rare and
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extremely frightening. listen. >> there it is oh, my god right there. there it is. there! there it is! oh, my god is. >> i want to show you the damage -- some of the damage this has caused, mullica hill, new jersey this says live because we took it off our local station's air there. this tornado just roared through this area of mullica hill. again, this is all the leftovers of hurricane ida it went through middle tennessee, which was already saturated, came up through the midatlantic region, causing -- and this is philadelphia now this is in philadelphia. these particular pictures out of philadelphia proper. all of this is moving east right now. the governor of new jersey has come on the local television stations and the local emergency
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channels, and warned everyone in the state of new jersey not to leave their homes for the next 12 to 15 hours extraordinarily rare and extremely dangerous. in fact, the live pictures of the radar from nbc 10 in philly tell that story. it is an incredible site listen in here. >> all of our confirmed tornadoes now, not just radar indicated, right, brett? >> absolutely. we are almost done in our particular area, at least with the tornado warnings for the time being as we widen out the picture and take a look at what we're dealing with now, it mainly includes flash flood emergencies, which have extended now almost to the northern part, just to the north of philadelphia you are seeing a flash flood emergency. actually just to the south of allentown here we have a severe thunderstorm warning, the central and southern parts of delaware but at least we are almost done with the tornado warnings we've been seeing throughout tonight
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they are basically just about to wrap up our tornado coverage here as this last tornado warning, which is mainly to the north of trenton, to the south of princeton is expiring for our region. >> expiring for the philadelphia region and heading toward the new york city metropolitan area. so northern new jersey, we were already in bucks county now. northern new jersey, sections around new york city, out on long island, connecticut, all of this is heading in that general direction. it's moving fast, maximum sustained winds, 30, 35 miles an hour or so and the governors in both states are warning of severe conditions throughout the night some areas expected to get two to eight inches of rain. flash flooding is in the forecast tornadoes are clearly happening now and are likely throughout the night. full coverage throughout this newscast throughout the night. full coverage throughout thi
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first, though, a pill to treat covid? approved by the end of the year? that's what two drug companies say they're hoping for they made a big announcement today, and it's next ♪ you'll jump for joy. ♪ here, better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today.
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charges filed in the death of elijah mcklain. two police officers, one former officer and two paramedics all charged.mcklain. tw mcclain was a black man who police detained and placed in a chokehold. then medics gave him a powerful sedative and he later died it happened in aurora, colorado, two years ago. he was 23 at the time, coming out of a corner store, wearing a ski mask as you see, something his family said he did because of his blood condition and he said it was cold somebody reported seeing someone sketchy. body cam video shows officers approaching mcclain. he told them respect my boundaries i'm just different that's all i'm sorry, he told them. after questioning mcclain, officers grabbed him and took him to the ground. when paramedics arrived they injected him with ketamine to sedate him
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seven minutes later, cardiac arrest and later on declaredtam sedate brain dead and taken off life support. the aurora police union says his death was related to his own condition to violently resist arrest and a pre-existing heart condition. loved ones remembered mcclain as an animal lover at the memorial. charges against the five defendant also include one count each of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. more than a dozen wildfires raging up and down the state of california this catastrophic fire season already surpassing the acreage burned at this point last year, which was one of the most on record the flames also threatening one of america's most important resources, water now companies are pouring in millions of dollars to make sure that doesn't happen.
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with a report in her continuing series of rising risks from climate change, here is cnbc's diana olick. risks from climate change, here is cnbc's diana as buyers tear across america's west, the risk right now is to life and property. soon, it will be to water. >> when we have large-scale fires like this, huge amounts of erosion that end up filling up the dams and reservoirs that erosion that end up filling up the dams store water and help create hydropower >> like a bathtub filling with mud, reservoir capacity is reduced and the water contaminated it's estimated in california about 70% of the state's drinking water either starts or flows through national forests. >> we are feeling a huge sense of urgency to do work in the forest to make them more resilient to climate change and
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to these large-scale, catastrophic fires. >> reporter: two years ago, the first-ever forest resilient bond was launched by the nonprofit blue forest and its founder. it was just $4 million. >> we were well oversubscribed from investors for this first project. >> reporter: that private capital was used to thin and restore 15,000 acres in the tahoe national forest. investors are being paid back by local water and hydroelectric utilities and now working with the world resources institute -- >> we are about to launch our second forest resilience bond. 48,000 acres of restoration. >> reporter: the value is six times the first at $25 million and investor interest is so strong there's already about $200 million in the pipeline for more >> corporations and all sorts of different sectors in the beverage sector, agricultural, tech sector, they're all taking
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this quite seriously and looking at how they can be part of the solution. >> reporter: for tech, many of the data centers, which need water to cool the cells, are located in water-stressed areas. but water seeps in to every aspect of commerce. >> water is essential to our business we need it to manufacture products and we need it to use our products. >> reporter: in just the last year, procter & gamble provided a $200,000 grant to restore 400 acres in the eldorado national forest which feeds the water supply of sacramento and other bay-area cities, in collaboration with the forest bond. >> business has a responsibility to address these issues. and for water specifically, i think it's really a matter of identifying those areas where your business may be at risk. >> reporter: the return on the forest bond is about 4%, but investors are more interested in the risk-related returns, lowering their risk from costly
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droughts and disruptions to their water supply and that risk is growing exponentially as the climate heats. shep >> diana olick, thank you. across america, at least 15 million vaccine doses have been wasted over the last six months, according to federal data obtained by nbc news paramedics and health officials throw out shots for a number of different reasons, including cracked vials and freezer problems and air diluting the vaccine. data on wasted doses as new urgency to develop safe and effective covid treatments that can supplement vaccines. cnbc's meg tirrell, pfizer and america just announced new trials for antiviral pills what can you tell us >> reporter: shep, an anti-viral pill you can take at home as soon as you have been diagnosed
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with covid would add a huge new tool against the disease it's taken drug companies a lot longer to develop these in vaccines or antibody drugs and we still don't know whether they'll work but today, two pharma giants, america and pfizer, announced they're both starting new, late-stage clinical trials of their covid antivirals, in people just diagnosed who are not at increased risk of severe disease. this is on top of another study it began in july of people who are at high risk merck is expanding its testing, trying to prevent people of getting covid if they've been exposed. they started a new trial today and people who live with someone just diagnosed with covid. first key data is expected around october and pfizer is by the end of the year. shep >> meg tirrell, thank you very much i want to go to live coverage on nbc 10 in philadelphia where a tornado has touched down in south jersey and a reporter is live on the scene. listen >> reporter: be able to count
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that were destroyed, partially or nearly fully destroyed in this neighborhood. the van and the house across from us, the seal is ripped out that holds the windshields and glass into the car the seal is ripped out of that van. the entire roof and back wall of this house is ripped off they look like doll houses the neighbor next door here, troy, i asked him directly -- he and his kids and wife were in the basement and i said troy, the basement saved your life and he said it did, it did his daughter is my daughter's age, 12, starting seventh grade and we assured her things like insurance and great parents are going to make sure that everything is okay and they would rebuild. right now, they're just trying to take this all in. it's hard to process even really the enormity of the power of this tornado we also sent some video back to the station. i'm hoping to turn that around, too, of some folks that were making dinner, talking with their kids about, you know,
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tornadoes don't happen like this in south jersey. it's okay. we're going to be okay but they got those alerts. they got those warnings we all got on our cell phone this afternoon and went into the basement a number of families are also shielding their children to come out here and see this. that's the latest, guys. we're in mullica hill. people are going to be picking up the pieces for quite some time. >> in south jersey, about a 30-minute drive south of philadelphia, where the cruel reality of this storm is setting in as i mentioned, this storm system is moving toward the new york city metropolitan area. our local nbc station, nbc 4 new york is in programming they're running "access hollywood" but their meteorologist broke in five minutes ago to talk about two tornadoes on the ground in new jersey, but in the new york city metropolitan area. this is the radar that's being fed to us now through nbc. you see everything has moved out of philadelphia.
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you see that very red section head toward the big city new york city is in the target for this thing, from down along the battery, all the way up to the bronx and beyond and then out on the western part of long island and then moving up, of course, into connecticut, bridgeport, and eventually this will be in new england. we're expecting that tomorrow morning. but the worst time for this in new york city is going to be over the next few hours. the governor of new jersey has warned people not to leave their homes. in new york city, they're getting alerts now on their phones about this storm that's headed in that direction it certainly is covering much of north new jersey right now ida, which came roaring ashore sunday now made its way all the way across the country and up into new york from philadelphia, up into new york and new england. continuing coverage. actually, let's dip in -- we'll have continuing coverage and the rest of the news after this.
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4:54 am
breaking news is in the weather and continuing to dominate the news tonight. nbc 4 in new york is on the air because there are two tornadoes in our region now. one confirmed on the ground, another radar indicated. nbc 4 new york live, and late breaking let's listen in. >> we can still see there is some rotation at the center of this storm as it's driving to
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the northeast right around 40 miles an hour. frankly by 7:58, river view, 8:04. >> these are all new jersey locations. view, >> south plainfield and 8:13 by north plainfield storm team 4's dave price right now. what else are you seeing >> a couple of things we need to take note of this system, this area has seen a kind of corridor where we've seen tornadoes, which have kind of moved through, stretching back toward philadelphia, immediate area around philadelphia earlier this afternoon, we saw tornadoes spawn in and around maryland and the capital this question is how much energy can this retain on that path as we continue the cone to the north and east. >> yeah. >> it's a good reminder. i'm stepping in simply to say if people are within the cone, and we can set it up once again. i'll ask our producer to do that if we are in the cone, now is the time to take shelter, head to an interior section of the house.
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the key here is, that the more walls that protect you, the safer you are. if you are in a motor home, if you are in a trailer, this is the time to go seek a more secure space do not go under an overpass. if you're in a car, that is a mistake. move away from windows and doors. >> warnings coming for people of the northeast region the timing on this, you heard dave price say there, can it retain the energy as it heads toward new york city i know that many of you who live in -- no, let's stay with the pictures who live in tornado areas in the deep south or in the midwest and tornadoes where you see them all the time, you're familiar with this this region is absolutely not. this is -- as it were, this is the remnants of ida. and it is really wreaking havoc across the region and putting scares in people in the new york city metropolitan area back to storm tracker 4 and our
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meteorologists in midtown. >> we've been seeing heavy rain since 4:00, 5:00, dave. >> and if you keep in mind, you take a look at this jigsaw puzzle, earlier this afternoon we were talking about watches encompassing the entire area. >> right >> now we're talking about warnings, which literall run all the way down to the south end of new jersey and all the way out east across long island and into connecticut as well we have a flash flood warning now until 10:00 p.m. for fairfield county, nassau county, fairfield county, nassau suffolk county and into westchester county as well >> that's all of long island all of it. nassau and suffolk. >> not under active flash flood warnings, and this is what we expected, this heavier rain to start to arrive during the dinner time hours and continuing through the evening. the bad news is that we're just kind of getting starting i would expect heavy rain to continue at least up until midnight if not into the overnight hours. we're still looking at several inches of additional rainfall on
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top of what we've already seen for many communities it's two to four inches already.t we've alrn for many communities it's two to four inches already. >> flash >> flash flood morning for -- bergin, hudson - >> all of had an in new jersey a whale long island and parts of connecticut, northern new jersey if you're in that region, and we know so many of our viewers are, we suggest you tune in to nbc 4 new york for the latest updates. they'll have them for you throughout the night and now, you know the news of this wednesday, september 1st, 2021. be safe out there. follow us on instagram and1st, follow us on instagram and1st, twitter @thenewsoncnbc ♪ here, better protection costs a whole lot less. our podcast is on apple and
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spotify and your favorite podcast platforms. the news continues tomorrow night. thanks for checking in with the oreo shake ♪teak ♪ get some whipped cream on the top too ♪ ♪ two straws, one check, girl, i got you ♪ ♪ bougie like natty in the styrofoam ♪ ♪ squeak-squeakin' in the truck bed all the way home ♪ ♪ some alabama-jamma, she my dixieland delight ♪ ♪ ayy, that's how we do, ♪ ♪ how we do, fancy like, oh ♪
5:00 am
>> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on a camping trip... ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ it is 5:00 a.m. at cnbc. here is your top five at 5:00. ida strikes again after pounding the gulf coast with torrential rain and flooding. the northeast facing the remains of the hurricane with scenes similar of superstorm sandy. breaking overnight supreme court refusing to block the abortion ruling in texas in a 5-4 vote. apple bending to pressure when it come


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